Thursday, May 1, 2008

Good Dogs Gone Bad on Thursday?

Puppy incarceration. So sad. If Trixie had a tin cup she would be raking it back and forth against the bars.

Wait....that's not jail! It's a day at the spa. Trixie has a new do thanks to Gus' constant ear-sucking. A sassy short look for summer.

Puddin is more the home-spa type. I think a stick in a wading pool counts as a retreat. It also counts as a bath.


Pooch said...

Ahhh, Trixie, how you suffer for your beauty! Very good look when its all done!


Lapdog Creations said...

Awww.. it was all worth it though! Love the new do!

dogquilter said...

ROFL How funny! And Char agrees with the stick and the bath thingy.

Holly Bee said...

So sassy behind bars!

Firefly Nights said...

Riley would have splashed for hours in his wading pool if we had let him, but we've never been able to get Roscoe and Mosby interested. Aren't dogs funny?

Cindy said...

Grooming is wonderful, but I've always been a bath in the back yard type. Of course, Grover has a completely different take on the issue.

Anonymous said...

How funny- puppy incarceration. What we do for beauty, huh?

nikkicrumpet said...

You furbabies made me smile. And I just did a post on "spa day" too!