Friday, March 5, 2010

March Comes In Like...?

The rhubarb is on the brink of emerging.  I can see wrinkled nubs breaking.  There have been a few robins hanging around and I saw a formation of geese passing overhead to the north.  Trees, shrubs, and bulbs have arrived at the local garden center. Most days have been in the 40's and nights in the 20"s. Not a windy or stormy first week of March.

If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.
If March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion.
This week I started in pots:
1) Missouri Pink Love Apple tomaotes
2) Green Zebra tomatoes
3) Patano Romanesco tomatoes
4) Hillbilly or Flame tomatoes
5) Leutschauer Pimento peppers
6) Mississippi brown cotton
7) Giant Musselburgh leeks
8) Sweet potato slips started by Mom
9) Korean garlic

So many mists in March you see,
So many frosts in May will be.
     Traditional English proverb

1 comment:

JelliDonut said...

It will be another six weeks before I can even think about putting out some pots. Even then, I know I'll end up dragging them into the garage a few times. We don't have garden space, but it's just as well. The season feels too short here. I'll just vicariously plant through your blog. Thanks!